About Us

We are a community of Christians working to provide a service that enables consumers to find and utilize businesses owned by other Christians.  The site is owned and operated by Dollar a Day Websites and Pharos Consulting Services, Christian owned businesses located the Jackson Metro Area.


Businesses list on the site have agreed to the following standards:


Business Member Standards:


The member business:


1. is operated by one or more Christians.


2. has a positive track record in the marketplace for at least the most recent six months.


3. advertises honestly and avoids misleading customers.


4. honestly represents their product or service.


5. clearly provides a means for customers to contact their business.


6. will abide by all written agreements and verbal representations.


7. will address marketplace disputes quickly, professionally and in good faith.


8. will protect any data collected from customers.


9. will approach all business dealings with integrity.


10. embraces and operates according to Mathew 7:12 "So in everything, do others what you would have them to do to you."


11. will display the Christian Discounts logo on the window of the business or business vehicle






Do Business with a Christian - Our Mission


Simply put, the site offers Christians the ability to find Businesses owned by fellow believers.  But the site is certainly not restricted to Christian consumers.  It is open to any consumer that wants to find a reputable business that operates with highest standards.


This site serves consumers in Hinds, Madison and Rankin Counties.