Contact Us
To contact us for more information about the site, business listings, offer suggestions, or support use the contact form.
If you need support for the website, Do Business with a Christian / dbwc, please use our contact form.
We are based in Mississippi and understand the frustration of not being able to talk with someone. While we do not publish a contact phone number or an email address on the site (to keep down bogus calls and spam) we will include a contact phone number with our email replies if appropriate.
Please let us know how we can help by using the form below.
Do Business with a Christian - Our Mission
Simply put, the site offers Christians the ability to find Businesses owned by fellow believers. But the site is certainly not restricted to Christian consumers. It is open to any consumer that wants to find a reputable business that operates with highest standards.
This site serves consumers in Hinds, Madison and Rankin Counties.