List Your Business
Consumers are looking for businesses like yours right now. We offer Christian owned businesses different options to showcase your business to the right local audience. It is easier than ever to connect with Christian and non-Christian consumers. Get your business listed today. All businesses listed on the site have agreed to the Business Member Standards.
Contact us at for more information or to register your business.
You can also register by filling out the new business form. You will be charged a $1 setup fee when submitting the form.
We are offering listings till 2022 for the $1 setup fee and no monthly fees.
Why a dollar? Why not just free? We found that charging any fee, even a ridiculously small one, encourages a commitment. This helps encourange our business owners to provide the information and images needed to provide consumers with a better view of the company. And requiring a credit card drastically reduces bogus business listing submissions.
Business Listings
Standard listing includes:
Site Ads
Sidebar ads include:
Basic Website
For Christian Businesses that don't have a website, we can build you a basic website
Basic Website include:
For Christian Businesses that would like to offer products via an online store
Websites Layouts (customized with your images and content)
Do Business with a Christian - Our Mission
Simply put, the site offers Christians the ability to find Businesses owned by fellow believers. But the site is certainly not restricted to Christian consumers. It is open to any consumer that wants to find a reputable business that operates with highest standards.
This site serves consumers in Hinds, Madison and Rankin Counties.