Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to register for an account to search for Christian owned businesses?
No, you do not need an account to search business listings.
What makes Do Business with a Christian so awesome?
Simply put, the site offers Christians the ability to find Businesses owned by fellow believers. But the site is certainly not restricted to Christian consumers. It is open to any consumer that wants to find a reputable business operating with highest standards. All businesses must agree to operate under the BUSINESS MEMBER STANDARDS. You can search for a business by location, type of business or church affiliation.
Do I have to register for an account for my business to be listed?
Yes, for your business to be listed on the site you need to register for a business account and agree to operate under the BUSINESS MEMBER STANDARDS.
Do you guarantee that businesses are Christian owned businesses?
We ask all businesses on the site to confirm they are Christian businesses and agree to the BUSINESS MEMBER STANDARDS. We also work with local churches to verify church membership.
How does my Church receive a Free Listing?
When a business registers a business listing on the site we offer a listing for their Home Church in our Church Directory. We will add the basic information about the church but encourage the church to provide additional information and images.
Does a business owner have to belong to a church to have my business listed in the directory?
No. We know that some Christians have not found a home church yet or participate in home fellowships. As long as you agree to the BUSINESS MEMBER STANDARDS your business can be listed in the directory.
Do I need to be a Christian to use Do Business with A Christian?
No. Anyone is welcome to use our directory. You don’t need to be Italian to eat at an Italian Restaurant and you don’t need to be a Christian to use Do Business with A Christian.
Will Business Owners be asked to Provide Goods or Services that Violate their Christian beliefs?
Never, it is always up to the business owner to run their business as they determine.
More questions?
Please contact us if you have additional questions as a business owner or as a consumer.
Do Business with a Christian - Our Mission
Simply put, the site offers Christians the ability to find Businesses owned by fellow believers. But the site is certainly not restricted to Christian consumers. It is open to any consumer that wants to find a reputable business that operates with highest standards.
This site serves consumers in Hinds, Madison and Rankin Counties.